
Showing posts from July, 2020

Do We Need to Think About Using Sanitizer ?

In this pandemic stage of corona, we the people are more conscious about personal hygiene, for that we used soap-water, and  alcohol based hand sanitizer, recommended alcohol percentage 60-95, below 60 percent alcohol content does not help for germs resistance. Not all hand sanitizers are created equally. Check the bottle for active ingredients. The alcohol content may be in the form of ethyl alcohol, ethanol or isopropanol. All of those are acceptable forms of alcohol. Be certain that no matter which type of alcohol is listed, its concentration is between 60 and 95 percent.  Alcohol content of less than 60 percent isn't enough to be effective.                          Some products marketed to the public as antimicrobial hand sanitizers are not effective in reducing bacterial counts on hands. In the course of a classroom demonstration of the comparative efficacy of hospital-grade antimicrobial soap and alcohol-based sanitizers, a product with 40% ethanol as the active ingredient w

Demerits of Sanitizers

In this corona (COVID-19) season, the demand for sanitizers is higher. The government also told us to use sanitizers every hour to clean our hands. But there are some disadvantages hidden behind the alcohol-based hand sanitizer.  Alcohol Poisoning The ingredient in liquid hand sanitizers is ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol that acts as an antimicrobial that kills bacteria that are beneficial for our body. Fire Hazard Most of the hand sanitizers on the market contain a high volume of alcohol, which is considered a flammable.   Dry Skin & Risk of Infection When we use sanitizers frequently, it washes away our skin’s natural oil and it causes dry skin and cracks. Antibiotic Resistance By the use of hand sanitizer, it will react against antibiotics that are effective against bacteria. Weaker Immune System Hand sanitizer also harms our immune system. The triclosan in sanitizer may negatively affect human immune function.  Due to these problems, use hand-washes instead of hand sanitize

Does sanitizer make problems for Kids?

   I n this pandemic stage of corona, we the people are more conscious about personal hygiene, for that we used soap-water, and  alcohol based hand sanitizer, recommended alcohol percentage 60-95, below 60 percent alcohol content does not help for germs resistance. Not all hand sanitizers are created equally. Check the bottle for active ingredients. The alcohol content may be in the form of ethyl alcohol, ethanol or isopropanol. All of those are acceptable forms of alcohol. Be certain that no matter which type of alcohol is listed, its concentration is between 60 and 95 percent.  Alcohol content of less than 60 percent isn't enough to be effective.    Meanwhile, one of the.research has found that hand sanitizers containing 60-95 percent alcohol must be kept out of reach of children. Accidental consumption of hand sanitizers in children may lead to vomiting and abdominal pain, and may further require medical treatment. Besides this, inhaling the sanitizer or entry of it into the eye