Demerits of Sanitizers

In this corona (COVID-19) season, the demand for sanitizers is higher. The government also told us to use sanitizers every hour to clean our hands. But there are some disadvantages hidden behind the alcohol-based hand sanitizer. 

  • Alcohol Poisoning

The ingredient in liquid hand sanitizers is ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol that acts as an antimicrobial that kills bacteria that are beneficial for our body.

  • Fire Hazard

Most of the hand sanitizers on the market contain a high volume of alcohol, which is considered a flammable. 

  • Dry Skin & Risk of Infection

When we use sanitizers frequently, it washes away our skin’s natural oil and it causes dry skin and cracks.

  • Antibiotic Resistance

By the use of hand sanitizer, it will react against antibiotics that are effective against bacteria.

  • Weaker Immune System

Hand sanitizer also harms our immune system. The triclosan in sanitizer may negatively affect human immune function. 

Due to these problems, use hand-washes instead of hand sanitizers to wash and clean your hands.
